Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cold Prevention--- Tips to Protect Yourself from Cold

Cold and flu are the most commonly occurring illnesses in the entire world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone. The common cold is a self-limited illness caused by any 1 of more than 200 viruses.You usually do not need to call your doctor if you catch a cold. For more severe symptoms or a prolonged duration of symptoms, you should visit your doctor. An office visit will usually be fine.

A. How to protect yourself from cold and flu

1. Stop stress
Pushing yourself too hard depresses the immune system. When your defenses are down, you are vulnerable to a cold or flu virus.

2. Healthy diet
A healthy diet is important to keep your immune system strong. Avoid junk food and consume more fruits, vegetables and plenty of non-caffeinated liquids.

3. Taking vitamin C daily
During cold season, taking extra vitamin C helps to strengthen your defenses against cold viruses. This helps to reduce the severity of cold symptoms.
Be sure to wash your hand after using any office equipment, especially when one of your co-workers have colds.

B. If you have a cold
1. Drink a lot of hot fluids
Traditionally, a family member who has cold or flu is only allowed to take hot chicken soup and chicken congee, avoiding all the hard to digest and cold foods. No one knows why but it works more effectively. Hot tea also keep the nasal passages open.

2. Take an antihistamine to relieve stuffy nose.

3.Treat coughs with the right cough medicine
Coughs that produce phlegm can be treated by the ingredient guaifenesin which loosens the mucus that causes you to cough.
If you have a dry and irritating cough, dextromethorphan might be used to suppress it during the night so you can sleep.
Unless absolutely necessary do not use antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotics do more harm than good to your body.

I hope that this article will help, if you need more information please visit my home page at:

1 comment:

Worldsavior said...

Hi Everyone!

Do you want to possess an Iron Constitution? Read on, please...

With due respect, I got a by far more powerful Cold & Flu Fighter than anything else on Earth. Absolutely Safe. The mutant Cold & Flu Viruses of all possible types and kinds are held at bay all the time, all your life. No kidding...

Relax! Rest assured. Soon (may that be sooner, depends on the Govrnments around the world) everybody will quit dreading Fall and Winter as the "Cold & Flu Season" and will enjoy Cold Weather as much as the Sunny and Hot Weather in the Summer. Nobody will catch Cold or any existing Flu. No way! Simply because nobody will get any Cold or Flu Symptoms, even in the slightest, if you do my Immunizer. No more Colds, Influenza and Pneumonia will threaten your health and life. Because there is a Complete Cold & Flu Prevention.

"Never to catch Cold & Flu" is already 100% guaranteed. Sounds unbelievable, but is true...

Actually I got something you might regard as incredible. Obviously medicines, vitamins, foods, herbs, lifestyle, even science can not prevent Cold & Flu. But I can. I got my way to Completely Avoid Colds & Flus. I call it Immunizer - the most natural and the most powerful and safe weapon to fight Colds & Flus on Earth. Complete Prevention is 100% guaranteed. It turns the Sneeze from a Cold Symptom into a Remedy for Momentary Chills. I guess that's what the Sneeze was meant for. The immunizer only takes a minute a day, but makes you untouchable for Colds & Flus for your entire life. Regardless of your lifestyle. Just a simple exercise. Doing it, I am the healthiest person on the planet. I cannot catch Cold. Least of all - Flu. Guess how I feel. Like a God. Only Gods Never Catch Colds & Flus. I got an Iron Constitution. Because my immunizer boosts the human immune system to its utmost strength, to its 100% effectiveness. No Viruses Got Any Chance To Infect Your Body. No way! Because you got 100% Protection against the hundreds of invaders. You need nothing else to get the Complete Freedom of your life. Doing the immunizer, you will forget about Colds, Sniffles, Headaches, Runny or Stuffy Nose, Flus, Medicines, Herbs, Vaccines (like Flu Shots), Doctors, Hospitals, all those nasty sufferings and boredoms... I offer and will disclose my Dream Immunizer to the world for 2 trillion USD. All the nations around the world can insist on their Governments to pay me for the greatest discovery in human history. Can you feel it? The Future Without Colds & Flus on Earth! Everybody enjoy freely your lives to the fullest! Forever!

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